Contract Analytics in Seldon.Report

Find potential customers, assess competitors, analyze the market and contract conclusion dynamics.

We have some great news for the Seldon.Pro users! Now you have access to Seldon.Report, a completely new contract analytics service. It helps find potential customers, assess competitors, analyze the market size and contract conclusion dynamics.

Where Is It?

It is available at and in Seldon.Pro: go to the Analytics page in the left-hand menu and click Contracts:

Contract Analytics

Seldon.Report is the tool for filtering and analyzing contracts based on various parameters. It is especially useful for suppliers. How to use it?

Market Size Analysis

You can filter contracts by subject, OKPD code and other parameters:

Contract Dynamics

You can filter contracts by date of conclusion and performance:

Number of Contracts by Region

You can filter contracts by region and federal district:

Analyze Contracts of Competitors

Use TIN or OGRN numbers of companies or certain customers to find contracts. You can also specify the company's role:

You can refine the search results by specifying the region, subject or dates.

Detect Biggest Suppliers and Customers of Certain Industries

Use the subject or OKPD2 filters to see the top players of a certain industry.

Find Potential Customers

Use filters by subject, region and other parameters to see who a certain supplier works with.

Analyze Certain Customers

See whether a certain customer works with the same supplier, whether their activity is seasonal, what the initial maximum price reduction in the customer's tenders is, etc.

Choose How to Work with Data

After applying the filter you will get a collection of data that you can work with either in Seldon.Pro, or download the Excel file and work with it offline:

What is Coming Next?

We are planning to make it possible to create lists of top customers, tenderers and suppliers. The data can be used as your client base with all the essential contact details. This way you will be able to conveniently contact customers or suppliers.

Stay tuned!

Working on new features for you!
Seldon.Pro Team